Friday, June 30, 2017


They float into the air and a bird pops them.They fall through the chimney and skewl when they hit the fire.Someone comes in with a gun and he looks hungry. Then the dreamworks person fishis them out. And blows them up and they end up at the school. They pop again on christmas day. “we see santa yay we are his size.” Santa says “no presents for you rascals.” “No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want presents.” Santa said “you too have been bad boys this year being mean to people.” “I want a present.” “All you to are getting is coal.” “I want a new dress, headband and a pair of shoes.” “Stop moaning you to.” “I wanna go home.” Then they left and cried but they stole santa's slay santa's said come here you to steve said no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We won't stupid santa.They crasht santa said haray the madness ended and they died. THE END

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